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You are browsing the web breathlessly to discover the answer to this question, then this is the time to calm down your nerves and feel relaxed because you have ended up the right blog.

You can remove the fresh coffee stain with club soda. Rub it on the stain gently, and the stain will go. If you don’t have club soda, then use fresh water for it. But, if the stain has dried, that will not go with these methods.

Here are some tips to help you remove the dried stain from your rayon suit.

Laundry Detergent

Laundry detergent can do great help in removing the stain. You should take five times water than the detergent quantity and make their mixture. Now, you should apply the solution directly to the stain. Leave the solution on the dress for 10-15 minutes. Now, blot the stain with a dried towel. Then, take a dry towel and press the stained area with it. The stain should go.

Distilled White Vinegar 

Distilled white vinegar can do great help in dealing with the dried coffee stain. You should apply it directly to the coffee stain. Then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Then you should damp it with a sponge. Then apply a wet towel on the stained area to dry it. The stain should be removed.

Soaking Solution

You can make a soaking solution of borax and water. You will get proper instructions regarding making the solution on the borax packet. When your solution is ready, pour the garment in the solution and leave it for overnight. Clean it with fresh water next morning. And then cover it with your bath towel.

Things To Know Before You Apply These Tips

These tips may help you remove the dried coffee stain. However, before you use these tips, this is important to understand that rayon is an artificial fibre developed from wood pulp. Some rayon fibres are colour fast and some not. Some may shrink and some may not. You should take a trial on a hidden area of the dress so that you become sure how the method that you are going to use on the stain will work on your clothing.

However, we would suggest you contact a professional laundry services provider instead of taking a chance yourself because a little mistake while cleaning the dress can ruin it.

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